ShekhinahWorks is dedicated to making available the works of Shekhinah Mountainwater, and we understand there may be unmet need in the community. Are you a struggling artist, activist, or providing service or education to enrich the Goddess community?
Sliding scale and gifted items may be available to those in need and
relevant charitable efforts will be considered.
Contact shekhinahmemories@gmail.com for more information.


ShekhinahWorks has the following songs available as individual mp3's
Email ShekhinahMemories at gmail dot com for ordering information.
In Remembrance - A Poem
She Moved Through the Fair
Aphrodite and the Crone
Tama Lina
Chant of the Faery Warriors
Searching for Lambs
Song of the Wandering Aengus
Ode to Aphrodite
Songs & Chants of the Goddess Vol 1
Pale Stormy Spring
The Witches are Here
Free Ticket to Heaven
Red Black and Silver
We are the Flow
As I love Myself
All is Well
Circle and a Rainbow
The Dove
Songs & Chants of the Goddess Vol 2
Nine Million Witches
Power Spot
So Sayeth the Goddess
O Goddess
I Am My Own Mother
Gaia’s Song
The Universe is Moving
Moon on the Water
Heal My Body
Sister Get Ready
Seasonal Magic
Brigg Fair
Bruton Town
He Moved Through the Fair
He’s Gone Away
I Buyed Me a Little Dog
I Know Where I’m Going
Let No Man Steal Your Thyme
Mary Queen of Scots – Plaint for Her Youth
Mattie Groves
Monday Morning
Myth of the Kore – sides A & B
My Johnny Was a Shoemaker
My Only Jo and Dearie-o
Queen of Hearts
Song to Mother Mary
The Handsome Cabin Boy Great Silkie
The Sweet Nightingale
The Unicorn
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – A Lullaby
While I Lay Sleeping
Remembering Shekhinah
Lady with the Lamp
Deep Woman
Sweet Willy
Song of the Wandering Echo
Woman in Blood
Witch’s Choice
Beauty and the Beast
Holy Mountain
Oh Unicorn
Three Riders
Lady Mother of All
Mischievous Fairy
Cry of the Phoenix
The Year is a Dancing Woman
Legacy Projects in the Works

ShekhinahWorks is currently seeking artists and writers to help bring projects forward.
Currently on the altar:
The Shekhinah Tarot
Shekhinah’s Cauldron Cookbook
Lost Songs Remastered
Email ShekhinahWorks at gmail dot com to inquire or offer creative support.