Welcome to the
Shekhinah Mountainwater
Dedicated to her
life and works
About ShekhinahWorks
ShekhinahWorks was established to honor, preserve, and make available the work of Shekhinah Mountainwater, including projects that she began, but did not have time to complete, before she passed over the veil.
Please note that www.shekhinahmountainwater.com and the social channels linked here are the only websites lawfully curating and sharing Shekhinah's life works, and managing her estate. The effort is lovingly kept alive by Mama Shekhinah's birth daughter and granddaughter, who are passionate about the legacy. If you are hoping to launch a project focused on, or inclusive of, Shekhinah's work, please contact our team. We welcome new ideas and opportunities for collaboration. As well, if you have access to writings, songs or other creations by Shekhinah, we ask that you share them with her estate; this helps us to catalyze and complete ongoing and new offerings.
While there is no Shekhinah Mountainwater Memorial Fund, we are open to charitable ventures. We recognize that there is unmet need, and we care about struggling artists, activists, and those providing service or education to enrich the Goddess community and/or support women in general. Shekhinah herself found it challenging to pursue her life's work and bring in income sufficient to thrive; she spoke of a barter system that would provide avenues of success for all - particularly starving artists. For this reason, sliding scale and gifted items may be available from ShekhinahWorks; contact shekhinahmemories@gmail.com for more information.
Since 2018, ShekhinahWorks has managed the following projects:
• Construction and launch of the new Moonspell, the official Shekhinah Mountainwater website: www.shekhinahmountainwater.com
• Establishment and development of the Shekhinah Memorial Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ShekhinahWorks
• Republishing of Ariadne’s Thread: A Workbook of Goddess Magic: www.amazon.com/Ariadnes-Thread.../dp/1635617731
• Creation of the Shekhinah Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekhinah_Mountainwater
• Creation of the Shekhinah YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/ShekhinahMountainwater
Ongoing projects include the Shekhinah Tarot, a cookbook of Shekhinah's favorite recipes, and others. We welcome inquiries, support and love from the communities we serve. You can reach us at shekhinahmemories@gmail.com.O